Game information
Game name
2D Game Ariplane Wars 1942
Game Original name
2D Game Ariplane Wars 1942
PC, Mobile
Grab the control yoke of a warplane and also delve into the battlegrounds of Globe Battle 2 in this thrilling battle trip action game. In each of the advocate United States, Great Britain, USSR, Germany, and Japan, you will undoubtedly represent a pilot and squadron leader of an elite flying force system, developed for the most hazardous and critical missions that can transform the trend of war. In Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight, you take control of over 50 historical aircraft-- from traditional fighters to light and hefty bombers. Spitfire, P-51, Cyclone, Lancaster, Il-2 "Shturmovik," La-5FN, Ju-87 "Stuka," Fw 200 "Condor" and also B-17 "Traveling Fortress" are only a few of the attractive types of equipment that you can fly, paint, tailor and also upgrade. Collect an armada of the best pilots and educate them to aid you in the most high-risk missions. If you require an added adrenaline thrill, you can take a goal by yourself and rule the sky. Develop your base-- construct added hangars and also structures for your pilots and staff. Guarantee its security by constructing anti-aircraft artillery and also battery balloons. Establish your monitoring abilities to cut expenses, manage your system much more efficiently, and become the utmost squadron leader.


Use mobile touch or mouse to control your aircraft


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