Game information
Game name
राजकुमारी अनुहार मिश्रण
Game Original name
Princess Face Mix
PC, Mobile
Do you ladies remember our Princess FaceSwap super hit game If not you definitely have to check it out but if you do then you should get ready to play its sequel This time you get to use the Face Mix feature on some of your favorite Disney female and male characters how cool is that Before getting it started let me explain how it works At the beginning of the game you will be given one gorgeous Disney Girl Then you have to decide if youd like to customize her looks with male features with female features or with both Once youve decided that you can then move to the category tabs and select the color of her skin her eyes her lips and hairstyle You can just have fun choosing her features or you can work out your creativity and come up with a really nice look for your princeprincess Either way make it fun Make sure to save your creation and publish it in a comment below
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