Game information
Game name
Robot Evolution
Game Original name
Robot Evolution
PC, Mobile
A pixel-based action-platformer set in a cave and electricity setting. You, in the role of the main character, will face trouble in each level, fighting various robots and solving simple puzzles. To deal with enemies, you can use various weapons that can be upgraded by collecting gears that you find in crates along the way. The goal of the game is to get to the generator and destroy it in order to advance to the next level. At each level, various traps, obstacles and enemies await you, but you will be able to cope with all the tasks thanks to your skills and abilities. In some levels of the game, you will have to fight bosses in order to advance. The different mechanics of the game will be explained to you by the scientist you rescued at the beginning of the game and who will help you figure out how to overcome some of the obstacles
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